Seems like a real fun site. Technorati is an online service that allows you to keep track of other blogs from all over the world.It works just like a search engine, you can search by topic, tags or keywords, keep track of your favorites, and visit blogs based on your searches, or by other people's recommendations.
Signing up to Technorati involves letting them know which blogs are yours- so you not only create a short profile (so other people can know a little bit about you), but you also create a list of all the blogs you author, and what your blogs are all about.
You want this, because it effectively registers your blog into Technorati's massive blog directory, and as more people turn to Technorati to find blogs and websites on topics that interest them, it therefore gives you a chance to get much-needed exposure for your and your blog/s.
It seems that your blogs are measured by "authority", which are denoted by a certain amount of points. Currently, this blog's authority points are at 5, which isn't much, considering the most popular blogs on Technorati have authority points in the tens of thousands! *gasp*
Which therefore begs the question: How do you gain more authority points on Technorati?
A quick Google search led me to a forum on The V7 Network- and a number of contributing members have thrown in their two cents' with regards to increasing your standing on Technorati.
According to a post by info4beingrich...
Technorati authority increases with incoming links. So you should:Another contributing member, interwebhunt, also suggests...
1. Make comments on various blogs, so that your links in the comments are treated as backlinks (but be careful, don't spam comments)
2. Swap links or buy links from other websites..
3. Trackback your url on other sites..
4. Request people to post review about your blog on their sites with links to your blogs. This can be done via paid reviews or free reviews..
5. Request people to techno fave your blog or writings..
start surfing high authority blogs in your niche, and take time to cultivate a relationship with that blogs owner. If you find a connection with that blog owner, look to link exchange. Just randomly emailing people for a link exchange can be viewed very negatively.Bottom line: If you want to build your blogs well, focus on two main things...
1. Developing quality content. Keep churning out content that readers can keep coming back to, and share with other people. This pretty much is in line with creating a good experience for your readers, fans and fellow bloggers.
2. Developing relationships. Be a good blog-neighbor- leave comments, encourage interaction, and share with others. Link exchange with fellow bloggers-turned-friends, rather than just spamming people indiscriminately.
Well, I've only gotten into Technorati for a few hours, and as I discover about its services and the blogs featured in it, the more I have to share with everyone.
So I'll check you guys in a bit. Cheers, everyone!